Air Purifiers in Barrie

Did you know the air in your home can be more polluted than the air outside? It’s true, and it could be making you and your family sick. Call Central Heating in Muskoka and Simcoe County to find out how a whole-house air purifier can significantly clean and improve your home’s air quality.

Many people don’t realize just how dirty the air inside their homes can be. When you factor in pets, household chemicals and cleaners, dirty HVAC systems, and dust, it’s no wonder so many homeowners suffer from allergies and respiratory problems.

However, you don’t have to suffer from the effects of poor indoor air. Call Central Heating to find out how a whole house air filtration system can help everyone in your family to breathe easier.

Dirty ductwork can be a major contributor to indoor air pollution. Call Central Heating and ask about our ductwork repair services.

6 Facts You May Not Know About Indoor Air Pollution

We like to think we’re safe in our homes and that our cleaning routines ensure we’re living in a clean, healthy environment. However, as we’ll see, no matter how much you clean, dangers are lurking in the air you breathe at home every day.

Here are six facts you may not know about indoor air pollution.

  • 1.According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air quality is one of the top five risks to public health.
  • 2.Nearly 90 percent of homeowners don’t realize just how polluted the air in their homes is.
  • 3.Experts say that indoor air pollution can be up to five times worse than outside air.
  • 4.Long-term exposure to airborne pollutants contributes to lung disease, respiratory infections, and lung cancer.
  • 5.Indoor air pollution doesn’t discriminate; it’s just as bad in rural areas as in the city.
  • 6.It’s estimated that nearly 2 million people die prematurely from complications caused by indoor air pollutants.

Why is Household Air so Dirty?

It’s natural for people to think about outdoor air when thinking about pollution. We all have visions of factories spewing smog, vehicles blowing out exhaust fumes, people smoking, and the list goes on.

However, what many people don’t consider is the dirty air inside the house comes from indoor sources such as:

  • Pet dander
  • Fuel-burning appliances
  • Incense, candles, and other smoke-producing products
  • Household cleaning products
  • HVAC systems and ductwork
  • Mould and mildew
  • Paints
  • Radon

Benefits of an Air Purifier

Now that you know how dirty the air inside your home can be, it’s a good idea to consider installing a whole house air purifier to provide you with the cleanest, healthiest indoor air possible.

Besides cleaner air, here are a few additional benefits to consider.

Allergy Reduction

If you or someone in your household suffers from allergies, adding a whole house air filtration system can significantly reduce their symptoms and outbreaks. Today’s air purifiers effectively remove impurities that cause allergies and the health complications that come with them.

Reduces Odours & Freshen Air

If the air in your house smells musty or isn’t as fresh as it should be, investing in an air filtration system can be a game-changer. A high-quality air purifier will filter out and remove the smells caused by cooking, mould, water damage, and chemicals making the air smell clean without using sprays or scented candles.

Kills Germs & Bacteria

Germs and bacteria spreading throughout your house are significant contributors to illness and respiratory problems. Depending on the air purifier model you choose, the system can collect and destroy these harmful microorganisms, reducing the chance you and your family members will get sick.

Less Cleaning

Wiping away dust seems like a never-ending battle. However, installing an air purifier can significantly reduce the amount of dust in your home and save you time on cleaning

Longer HVAC Lifespan

When you have an air purifier to trap contaminants, it puts less strain on your HVAC system, which can increase its lifespan by several years.

To find out the many other benefits of adding an air purifier to your HVAC system, call the experts at Central Heating in Barrie at 705-214-9610.

No ductwork? No problem. Our ductless air conditioners are a simple, mess-free, and effective way to cool your home.

Whether you suffer from allergies or are tired of the way your home smells, call Central Heating in Barrie today at 705-214-9610 for a free, no-obligation consultation and information about a whole house air filtration system.